Die Geschichte vom Whiskey und den Holzloeffeln
so, es ist vollbracht: Psot 1oo!

Als kleine Belohnung dafuer, dass ihr alle so zahlreich Comments gepsotet und den HomeBlog so richtig belebt habt ( ;_; ), habe ich fuer euch etwas ganz was Lustiges aus dem unendlich grossen iNet ausgesucht. Und nicht nur ein Funny Item - NEIN, GLEICH ZWEI! ... nein, eigentlich kamen sie mir eher so passend zum Jubilaeum zugeflogen, aber egal
Das erste Funny Item ist ein (juengst bei GIGA Games entdecktes) Beispiel der schier unfassbaren Kreativitaet in der Mod-Szene.
Zur Erklaerung: es gibt unter den sogenannten PC-Freaks den einen oder anderen Bastler, der sich mit dem normalen o8/15-Standard-Gehaeuse seines PCs nicht zufrieden gibt und etwas eigenes um seine Prozessoren, Festplatten und Laufwerke schmiedet. Diese Modifikation kann sich von blauem Neon-Licht und Geschwindigkeitsstreifen-Aufklebern ueber Edel-Holzkisten bis hin zu Transformer-aehnlichen, mobilen oder autonom rotierenden Rechenstationen erstrecken.
Aber ein jemand namens Janos Marton hat das fuer mich momentan lustigste ModCase gebaut, dass man sich denken kann: Das Whiskey-Bottle-ModCase! [...]
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I already had a powerful computer setup so I wanted something more quiet, small and low power consumptioning to function as a basic home server. I love to tinker with hardware etc. so I wanted to make something quite unique for a case. I have seen many nice and creative cases before but none of them were made out of a bottle. In November I bought an industrial 3.5" SBC board (with Socket370). For the project I selected a 1.5 litre Ballantine's bottle for case. That was the proper size and shape for the task at hand.
Prepping the bottle
I tried to cut and drill couple of similar bottles at home but I realized that my tools are not good enough for it, then finaly a professional glass grinder man prepared the whisky bottle for me. He made two holes: one at the back of the bottle for CPU cooling and one at left side for put in the stuffing.
I bought an Intel P3 733EB processor, a 256MB notebook RAM, a 40GB notebook HDD and finaly a 60W mini-ITX PSU. The RAM module is placed at the back side of the mobo. A compact flash card slot also situated there, so I could use it instead of IDE HDD.
In the next step I made a new plexi side panel and I fixed the mobo for it together with the power connector and the power switch. The small piece of plexi at the left functions as a "lock". It can be fixed by two small screws and it then holds the side panel in place.
I made new cabling for power switch, HDD LED and 12V power connector.
During the OS installation I used a normal IDE cable to connect the HDD and CD-ROM. For normal use I connected the HDD with 44 pin mini-IDE cable so no separate power cable is needed. I put this all together in the office, because my son was born in December and I do not have free time at home anymore. At least during the day time so most of the mod was done at night...
Fitting it all inside
HDD and PSU already installed inside the bottle. Now comes the tricky part on how to get the rest of the hardware components to fit.
The HDD and PSU panel were fixed in position with a double-sided self-adhesive tape. First I wanted to fix them with screws to be able to replace them easily, but I could not do it because of the very limited space inside and small „service window”.
Powered ON
You may notice that the bottle cap is sitting on the table top on all these images. More about this later on.
Better cooling
At this point the cooling was not good enough yet. After half an hour the bottle was a bit warm so I disassembled it and glued an old VGA card cooler into the bottle neck to help the air flow out. Furthermore I drilled 6 additional holes at the side panel so now the fresh air can flow into the bottle at the big hole on the back side and through these small holes. I drilled out the bottle cap as well so at the first watch it seems the bottle is original, untouched. These little tweaks improved the cooling and the temperature came down.
In use
Since that time my Whisky PC is still working well and quietly in the corner of my living room. Perhaps I should start planning on making a cluster of these... Combine the fun of emptying the whiskey bottles with some good company and building a high calculation power cluster. ;)
>> Q: http://www.metku.net/index...
ist das nicht absolut geil?!
Als Zweites fand ich heraus, wieviel Spass Japaner mit zwei Holzloeffeln haben koennen: http://blog.livedoor.jp/bokenogenkai...
Ich habe mir erlaubt, hier die Bildunterschriften sofern moeglich zu uebersetzen. [...]
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レガッタ = Regatta
しゃもじ3兄弟 = 3 Holzloeffel-Brueder
主婦の友のマーク = Das Freundes-Zeichen der Hausfrauen *
パンクブーブーで~す。 = Das ist ein Punk-??.
サインペン = Filzstift
鉄アレイ = Metallhantel
ヤマトタケル = Takeru aus der Yamato-Zeit
チョウネクタイ = Fliege
僕ミッキーだよ = Ich bin Mickey!
ナインティナインで~す = Das ist 99 *
愛ちゃん = Aichan (Name) *
カタツムリだよ~ = Ich bin eine Schnecke!
ヨネスケで~す = Das ist / Ich bin Yonesuke *
タケコプター = Take-Copter
おい!朋宏 = Hey, Tomohiro (Name)
5:30です = Es ist 5:3o
骨 = Knochen
嘘もやんわりしてるんだろうね = ?
え~んえ~ん = *schluchz*
宮本 = Miyamoto (Shigeru?)
視力検査 = Sehtest
* fragt mich nicht nach dem Sinn - ich uebersetze nur ^^;>
also, das ist mir wirklich schleierhaft

Als kleine Belohnung dafuer, dass ihr alle so zahlreich Comments gepsotet und den HomeBlog so richtig belebt habt ( ;_; ), habe ich fuer euch etwas ganz was Lustiges aus dem unendlich grossen iNet ausgesucht. Und nicht nur ein Funny Item - NEIN, GLEICH ZWEI! ... nein, eigentlich kamen sie mir eher so passend zum Jubilaeum zugeflogen, aber egal
Das erste Funny Item ist ein (juengst bei GIGA Games entdecktes) Beispiel der schier unfassbaren Kreativitaet in der Mod-Szene.
Zur Erklaerung: es gibt unter den sogenannten PC-Freaks den einen oder anderen Bastler, der sich mit dem normalen o8/15-Standard-Gehaeuse seines PCs nicht zufrieden gibt und etwas eigenes um seine Prozessoren, Festplatten und Laufwerke schmiedet. Diese Modifikation kann sich von blauem Neon-Licht und Geschwindigkeitsstreifen-Aufklebern ueber Edel-Holzkisten bis hin zu Transformer-aehnlichen, mobilen oder autonom rotierenden Rechenstationen erstrecken.
Aber ein jemand namens Janos Marton hat das fuer mich momentan lustigste ModCase gebaut, dass man sich denken kann: Das Whiskey-Bottle-ModCase! [...]
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I already had a powerful computer setup so I wanted something more quiet, small and low power consumptioning to function as a basic home server. I love to tinker with hardware etc. so I wanted to make something quite unique for a case. I have seen many nice and creative cases before but none of them were made out of a bottle. In November I bought an industrial 3.5" SBC board (with Socket370). For the project I selected a 1.5 litre Ballantine's bottle for case. That was the proper size and shape for the task at hand.
Prepping the bottle
I tried to cut and drill couple of similar bottles at home but I realized that my tools are not good enough for it, then finaly a professional glass grinder man prepared the whisky bottle for me. He made two holes: one at the back of the bottle for CPU cooling and one at left side for put in the stuffing.
I bought an Intel P3 733EB processor, a 256MB notebook RAM, a 40GB notebook HDD and finaly a 60W mini-ITX PSU. The RAM module is placed at the back side of the mobo. A compact flash card slot also situated there, so I could use it instead of IDE HDD.
In the next step I made a new plexi side panel and I fixed the mobo for it together with the power connector and the power switch. The small piece of plexi at the left functions as a "lock". It can be fixed by two small screws and it then holds the side panel in place.
I made new cabling for power switch, HDD LED and 12V power connector.
During the OS installation I used a normal IDE cable to connect the HDD and CD-ROM. For normal use I connected the HDD with 44 pin mini-IDE cable so no separate power cable is needed. I put this all together in the office, because my son was born in December and I do not have free time at home anymore. At least during the day time so most of the mod was done at night...
Fitting it all inside
HDD and PSU already installed inside the bottle. Now comes the tricky part on how to get the rest of the hardware components to fit.
The HDD and PSU panel were fixed in position with a double-sided self-adhesive tape. First I wanted to fix them with screws to be able to replace them easily, but I could not do it because of the very limited space inside and small „service window”.
Powered ON
You may notice that the bottle cap is sitting on the table top on all these images. More about this later on.
Better cooling
At this point the cooling was not good enough yet. After half an hour the bottle was a bit warm so I disassembled it and glued an old VGA card cooler into the bottle neck to help the air flow out. Furthermore I drilled 6 additional holes at the side panel so now the fresh air can flow into the bottle at the big hole on the back side and through these small holes. I drilled out the bottle cap as well so at the first watch it seems the bottle is original, untouched. These little tweaks improved the cooling and the temperature came down.
In use
Since that time my Whisky PC is still working well and quietly in the corner of my living room. Perhaps I should start planning on making a cluster of these... Combine the fun of emptying the whiskey bottles with some good company and building a high calculation power cluster. ;)
>> Q: http://www.metku.net/index...
ist das nicht absolut geil?!
Als Zweites fand ich heraus, wieviel Spass Japaner mit zwei Holzloeffeln haben koennen: http://blog.livedoor.jp/bokenogenkai...
Ich habe mir erlaubt, hier die Bildunterschriften sofern moeglich zu uebersetzen. [...]
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レガッタ = Regatta
しゃもじ3兄弟 = 3 Holzloeffel-Brueder
主婦の友のマーク = Das Freundes-Zeichen der Hausfrauen *
パンクブーブーで~す。 = Das ist ein Punk-??.
サインペン = Filzstift
鉄アレイ = Metallhantel
ヤマトタケル = Takeru aus der Yamato-Zeit
チョウネクタイ = Fliege
僕ミッキーだよ = Ich bin Mickey!
ナインティナインで~す = Das ist 99 *
愛ちゃん = Aichan (Name) *
カタツムリだよ~ = Ich bin eine Schnecke!
ヨネスケで~す = Das ist / Ich bin Yonesuke *
タケコプター = Take-Copter
おい!朋宏 = Hey, Tomohiro (Name)
5:30です = Es ist 5:3o
骨 = Knochen
嘘もやんわりしてるんだろうね = ?
え~んえ~ん = *schluchz*
宮本 = Miyamoto (Shigeru?)
視力検査 = Sehtest
* fragt mich nicht nach dem Sinn - ich uebersetze nur ^^;>
also, das ist mir wirklich schleierhaft
Labels: new technology, videogame news
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