I recently read that
Geocities is closing which is why I am concerned that some stuff of this website won't work anymore. Frankly I don't remember which file is stored on which account and website so theoretically everything related to my blog could, you know, EXPLODE \(O_O )/ *poof* Thy End Is Nigh!, leaving nothing but a devastating crater in the vast hinterlands of the internets - but I'm confident in my ability to err.
[...](show me)(don't show me)
It seems that only this photo section documenting my Games Convention 2oo5 visit is affected by this (Yaaay, how stupid of me to link there, when I know it's dead! ... or .. will be soon). But I guess you didn't even know it existed. Right here in the links section. You didn't know there was a links section on this blog? Well, I'll admit, the link is tiny and easy to miss, the section itself is out-of-date, just like many other parts of this website - I guess I'll have to force myself into a design update. Hmm, I wanted to clean up some of the code anyway.
Anyway, I did my job and warned you before it was too late. Toodloo!
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