
[VG News] E3 ohne Messe-Babes

Are they Nuts!?!?!? Die Babes sind doch mind. genau so wichtig wie die vorgestellten Spiele und Konsolen! Sie sind doch Grund fuer viele der Besucher, ueberhaupt dort zu erscheinen. Und ich hatte mich auf 2oo6 gefreut. Na toll! Jetzt ist die ganze Revo-Vorfreude im Arsch. Danke, Amerika! [...]
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Nintendo Revolution, PS3 and Xbox | Disappointing News
by Sean Anderson · 04.09.2006, ~21:00
When most gamers think of E3 2006, they think about the upcoming Nintendo Revolution, the Xbox360, the PS3 or even the hot babes that advertise walking around half naked. Well here’s some bad news for the last type of gamer. According to the new E3 2006 exhibitor's handbook, "nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms" are now banned from the annual gaming fest in Los Angeles.

What’s the penalty if they break the rules? A $5000 fine on the spot goes straight to the sponsor. In a nutshell, babes baring too much flesh will be ordered to cover up or face a fine.

Here's the passage from the re-written rule-book: "Materials, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit or sexually provocative, including, but not limited to, nudity, partial-nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the Show floor, all common areas and at any access points to the Show. ESA, in its sole discretion, will determine whether material is acceptable."

Satoru Iwata, Ken Kutaragi and Robbie Bach alongside numerous gamers will be disappointed to hear this.

Discuss this issue on our blog.
Source: theinquirer.net
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