
[VG News] Sony-Event (pre E3)

Wie erwartet laedt Sony kurz vor der E3 noch schnell zu einem Stell-dich-ein ein. [...]
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Sony Pre-E3 event on May 8th
08:00 · by Steve Dixon
Mark your calendars for May 8th. Sony may not be beating Microsoft or Nintendo to market with the PS3, but if nothing else, they'll be getting a jump on the competition at E3. Sony has announced that they'll be holding a pre-E3 press event on the 8th of next month. That's a week before the show, for those keeping count. Microsoft will be holding their own pre-show event on the morning of the 9th, and Nintendo will unveil the Revolution a few hours later. Sony's strategy seems logical, as firing the first salvos at E3 will likely snag them an early round of press coverage.

The pre-E3 conference will likely see the official price of the console announced, and the launch lineup will probably be revealed as well. We have our fingers crossed that they'll be showing off the new controller design as well, but as tight-lipped as Sony was at the TGS and GDC, they'll probably keep us guessing right up until the doors are opened at E3. Oh, the suspense!
>> # top # | Q: PS3 Center.net
