Main Logo myAvatar Me �Thinking about Life� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Benrath, Old Home -- Zeit: 2oo8-o2-21 -- Kamera: meine Samsung S85 Me �Why the hell did I get up?� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Holthausen, Home -- Zeit: 2oo8-1o-23 -- Kamera: meine Samsung S85 Me & Micha �At Beerfest� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Benrath, Fussgaengerzone -- Zeit: 2oo7-o8-o4 -- Kamera: Michas High-End-Kamera, Canon EOS 350D Me �Verbrauchter Student� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Urdenbach, Caf� Preu� -- Zeit: 2oo6-o4-29, Ingrids 5o. Geburtstag -- Kamera: DigiCam Me & Father �I need a Haircut - urgently! ;^p� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Benrath, Elternhaus -- Zeit: 2oo7-12-1o -- Kamera: meine neue Samsung S85 Me �When I Was Happy� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Benrath, Annette-von-Droste-H�lshoff-Gymnasium -- Zeit: ungefaehr 2oo3-o9-2o, Ehemaligentreffen -- Kamera: Olympus DigiCam Me �Profile Of A TV Watcher� -- Ort: Duesseldorf-Benrath, Elternhaus -- Zeit: 2oo6-1o-o7 -- Kamera: die neue Canon EOS 350D von meinem Bruder <-- enjoy full view 



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Der Untertitel sagt eigentlich alles: `Knight Rider - Eine alkoholgetriebene Analyse�. Sehr geil

hard to categorize. The Protagonists are a little bit crazy. I like the drawing style

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Sam Kieth's The Maxx

Just watched The Maxx. In all its creepiness: this is one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. I hope this is not merely a temporary after-effect of recently finishing this masterpiece - like just moments after watching Star Wars - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith when I thought that this movie was the best episode of the whole double trilogy, or "sixology" as I like to call it. And few days later when I re-rolled the film in my head I realized how stupid and inapproriate the glorification was. This happens to me all the time. Anyway, about The Maxx: a nice little fairy tale for broken minds. Not too long, not worth a sequel or two. Just a short journey into shattered worlds, filthy insanity, dream & realism dualism, as well as psychopath superiority told in a stylish way and with spectacular cinematography.

I felt home when I watched it.

This is also a good read if you're interested in more stuff, like the deeper logic behind it, although it is a fan interpretation IINM, so don't buy all of it just the way it comes. I, myself, interpreted the story a little bit differently, but this alternative point of view was more than welcome to me.

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� 2oo7 by Woodrow