There are a few little things I'd like to present today, all of them being of rather small importance, yet I feel it'd be nice to mention them anyway instead of secretly making them happen. Or whatever to call it.
[...](show me)(don't show me)
Firstly, there have been over 6oo blog psotings here, so ... yay! 
The blog views and visits for the last one hundred or two hundred psotings have reduced significantly but that's understandable as they are too boring for you to read for sure. Sad but .. well, what can I say? I'm boring and that's life.
To further demonstrate my boring and nutty life I've created a flickr-account where I can upload all my boring pictures that I've taken with my birthday present, a Samsung S85 DigiCam. Only the nude-free ones, of course ;^p - just those pictures I could show my parents. The other ones are all kept hidden in a secret place until I die. ... And when I think about it probably even longer as they don't pop up and dance in front of everybody the moment I snap out. But that's just unsignificant nerd-talk. Long story short: go visit me at flickr here.
And on a little side note: check out my URL-Repairer. If you don't understand its purpose even after reading its explanation and/or testing it then you probably won't need it at all. But if you own an account at and often use the browser to read your mails instead of an eMail client like Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird then you may know what pain in the ass it can be to open URLs contained in your eMails. Especially those of eMails that are formatted in HTML where the links are often described as smaller words (like "click here" or "open this link"). If you can use it feel free to do so and do it often. I certainly am glad that I finally programmed this code that I've thought about very often.
Furthermore there are new icons. They are not very beautiful but nevertheless ... pay attention to them! ;^p
Oh, and I'm moving again into a new yet unencountered apartment but maybe later more on that ...
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schon über 600 posts? Congrats woodman, ich bin grad mal bei 50 angekommen :/
ja hoer mal! Dafuer lieferst du auch professionelle Kunst ab. Ich laber und copy'n'paste ja nur ... ;^p
Glueckwunsch zum 5o.!! (^^ )
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