Es sind vergleichende Bilder zu
Grand Theft Auto IV im Netz aufgetaucht, die Fotos von den Original-Schauplaetzen, die im Spiel inspirierend mitgewirkt haben, gegenuebergestellt wurden - sogar auf der
eigenen Seite fuer das Spiel. Oder sollte ich sagen 'eine der eigenen Seiten'? Ich hab keinen Plan ...
hmmm, GTA 4 vs. Real Life - woran erinnert mich das ...? Ach ja!
Real Life vs. Crytek! Das kam auch erst kuerzlich zu Tage. Na, da kann man bestimmt so Einiges erwarten von dieser so genannten NextGen.
[...](show me)(don't show me)
Liberty City vs. Real World
How well does Liberty City compare with the real world? As we learned from Game Informer's GTA IV World Exclusive Preview, Liberty City is based on New York City and part of New Jersey (Jersey City) although mostly New York City. Below we have listed some visual comparisons which enable you to see how closely GTA4 represents these locations. Be sure to visit the Laying out Liberty City thread at our forums for more Grand Theft Auto IV comparisons.
Astor Plaza This building was completed in 1972 (replacing the famous Astor Hotel) and was originally called the W.T. Grant Building. It houses the MTV studios and is also the headquarters of Viacom. Situated in Times Square, Manhattan.

Brooklyn Bridge This bridge was completed in 1883 and took thirteen years to construct. It was the first ever steel-wire suspension bridge to be made, and at that time it was the largest suspension bridge in the world.

Flatiron Building The Flatiron Building has become a famous landmark in New York City since its completion in 1902. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.

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