
[VG News] 12 Adventures in 24 Hrs

Aufgrund von Lazyness Description of the actual Video copied from worldofmi.com

Sunday, November 13, 2005
12 adventures in 24 hours Posted by: Dalixam | Comments (8)
How long would it take to complete 12 of LucasArts' classic SCUMM games? According to Hendrik it takes around 24 hours. This crazy guy has actually done it and recorded a video if it (don't worry, it's only a few minutes long) and you can check it out here [1].

It's funny to see how long it takes to complete the games, for instance it takes longer to complete MI1 than MI2 yet MI2 is much bigger. (I assume Hendrik was playing the hard version :) A funny experiment, but it leaves one question. Can it be done faster?
>> Q: http://www.worldofmi.com/

[1] http://media.putfile.com/Extreme-Adventure
